Friday, May 9, 2008

Chapter B Part 50




Saturday, May 3, 2008

Chapter A Part 10


Tertulis di catatanku 1 Februari 2007

My teacher said...
Attrition, Who knew the meaning of this word?...Nobody?...OK next word...
Secession/secede, Did anyone here know this word?....OK skip
Approximate, ups might this word was piece of cake insya Allah.
Entrance? OK time was up

I said in my heart "God, what words were they?"


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dolanan dan Janji Allah


Beberapa minggu terakhir iki, aku sering menyapa masa kecilku lagi. Nonton semua film-film sik dadi kegemaranku waktu kecil. Mulai dari Voltes V sampe Kamen Rider Black. Gara-gara saking terbawanya, sampai-sampai arep tuku dolanane kabeh. Sejauh iki, terhitung dari 2 minggu terakhir, wis tuku 11 Gold Saints Saint Seiya (3 diantare jik utang Mega) karo 4 Bronze Saints Saint Seiya (3 diantaranya jik utang ibuku). Lebih lanjut lagi, mainan sik sedang dalam proses deal adalah Markas Voltes V dan Voltes V nya sendiri. Sedangkan, Gavan, Sharivan, dan Shaider sedang dalam pertimbangan.

Bicara masalah mainan, yen tak pikir pihak pembuat mainan memiliki strategi pemasaran yang sangat jitu. Begini ceritanya. Saat kita kecil, umumnya, banyak dari kita sik suka dolanan gara-gara nonton filmnya. Sayangnya, gak semua anak bisa beli dolanan because of money, incomplete toy's distribution, et cetera. Ternyata, selang beberapa tahun setelah masa kecil kita, pembuat mainan njur ngetoke maneh dolanan-dolanan masa kecil kita dengan berbagai penyempurnaan detil dolanane. Anak-anak kecil yang dulune gak punya duit, saiki wis pada kerja dan duwe penghasilan dewe. Masalah incomplete toy's distribution dapat diatasi dengan internet. You know what I'm writing?

Awale tak pikir muk aku sik keno racun taktik dagang produsen mainan, ternyata akeh banget sik sak pantaran aku do tuku dolanane. Silahkan masuk ke nek gak percoyo.

Alhamdulillah sekali, salah satu mimpi saat kecil terwujud saat ini. Dulu pas cilik muk iso nonton tokoh jagoanku di tivi. Saiki sambil nonton jagoanku beraksi, aku yo iso meluk dolanane :) . Wis ngono di kantor meneh ndeloke. Makasih ya Allah.

Percayalah sahabatku, janji Allah selalu ditepati. Dia akan SELALU mengabulkan doa kita. Tak baleni maneh SELALU. Yang mesti awake dewe pahami ki yo pengabulan doa dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu dikabulkan langsung, dikabulkan pada saat kita pantas menerima, dan yang ketiga dikabulkan dengan apa yang kita minta diganti yang lebih baik. Untuk kasusku di atas, tampaknya doaku waktu kecil dikabulkan dengan diganti yang lebih baik :) . Mainan yang jaman dulu gendoet-gendoet dan artikulasi tubuhe terbatas. Sekali lagi makasih ya Allah. Love You.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Wuaaaa When Realism Meets Idealism

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Waduh at this post's title. Actually, I don't know what the thing I have to choose when realism meets idealism. To be honest, I realize that the best thing to cope with this is surrender to Allah. At this time, I really know that the super suitable appropriate match decent prayer when we pray is "Doa Sapu Jagad" rather than we ask "Allah I want to be that one" or "Allah I want that thing".

Asking Allah by Doa Sapu Jagad, I think, is our showing of belief to Allah. Here I will explain to you what I meant. Did you ever think that the numbering of aya in the Qur'an has purposes. Here I take Al Fatihah as example. First aya, I don't think that I have to explain the meaning (Even those non-Moslems know its meaning). Part of second aya says that Allah is Lord of The Universe. The third aya mentions that Allah is Arrahman as well as Arrahim. So that, even Allah is The Lord, Allah is not somekind like a dictator. As Arrahman, Allah loves all of his creatures. Of course, as Arrahim Allah loves all Moslems. I believe that Allah always want the best for all moslems because of Arrahim. I think so far you get my point why I said that Doa Sapu Jagad is the best prayer. Let Allah determines what the suitable meaning of happiness for us. Believe Allah.

Hope all of us can get the happiness both here and the day after as what is written in Doa Sapu Jagad. Amin amin amin.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Friend Forever...


I deliberately write this text, specially, for my friends who share a house with me this last 4 years.

Fendi, Rian, Wiwit, Miftah, and Irawan, firstly, I want to thank you all for the moment, joy, and sorrow we have gone through together all these year. Don't you ever think about the farewell we will face in the near future???. Well, such a leave-taking might hurt us all. But, we still have to pass that predicament.

Every scaterred moment with you all that left behind, I guess, I won't forget. The time when we got the new house for the first time, time when we moved to new house, time when we attended somebody's wedding just for free food, and all the time together with you, apparent to run around my head. I'm sure that sometime there were detestation, anger, and bad inkling around us...but that were OK. You got my forgiveness and vice versa.

One thing for sure, no matter how far we will be separated each other, keep this friendship alive. Once more time, thank you...thank you very much. You're my best friends.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lelaki Kecil dalam Kurun Waktu Berlalu


Ini adalah posting saya yang pertama...

Terima kasih.
