Friday, March 16, 2007

Friend Forever...


I deliberately write this text, specially, for my friends who share a house with me this last 4 years.

Fendi, Rian, Wiwit, Miftah, and Irawan, firstly, I want to thank you all for the moment, joy, and sorrow we have gone through together all these year. Don't you ever think about the farewell we will face in the near future???. Well, such a leave-taking might hurt us all. But, we still have to pass that predicament.

Every scaterred moment with you all that left behind, I guess, I won't forget. The time when we got the new house for the first time, time when we moved to new house, time when we attended somebody's wedding just for free food, and all the time together with you, apparent to run around my head. I'm sure that sometime there were detestation, anger, and bad inkling around us...but that were OK. You got my forgiveness and vice versa.

One thing for sure, no matter how far we will be separated each other, keep this friendship alive. Once more time, thank you...thank you very much. You're my best friends.
